Mark LaFlammeÌýis a Sun Journal news reporter and columnist and the author of several works of fiction. He sleeps until noon each day and regrets nothing. Mark has several exciting hobbies, all of which are none of your business. Seriously, you don’t want to know. This page is a collection of his Street Talk and Talk of the Town columns.
Street Talk
September 11Street talk: After 150-plus years of enjoying a reputation as one of the finest showpieces in the area, the house became a place of disease and despair.
September 4The spiel from the vet was dire; talk of blood work and ultrasounds and the potential for abscesses, tumors and God only knew what other deadly formations that might exist down deep in the guts of my beloved cat. Hope for the best, was the general idea, and prepare for the worst.Ìý
August 30Ethan Dumont didn't just want to get the stolen four-wheeler back home; he wanted to do it in such a way that his boy would never even know it was missing in the first place.Ìý
August 21Street talk: For three nights straight the Whitney Street Community Garden became the victim of an all-out assault by vandals who either went over the fence or straight through it.Ìý
August 14Street Talk: You can't blame a firefighter for being less excited about a burning car than the rest of us — some departments average at least one vehicle fire, not per day, but per shift
July 31Street Talk: We'd come away from every game with an awesome variety of injuries. Our knees would be bleeding through the grass stains after making diving catches even when diving wasn't necessary.Ìý
July 25With no arrests made in the killing of Sahal Muridi, and with additional gunshots reported at the apartment complex just days after killing, a woman who witnessed the killing finds herself constantly afraid.Ìý
July 16Street Talk: One of the greatest features of the White Mountains paradise, to me, is the fact that the phone signals we all live by can't penetrate it.Ìý
Talk of the Town
Talk of the Town: The view on top of Streaked Mountain is dazzling. And I'm not talking about when I finally climbed to the top and disrobed. Or am I?
Talk of the Town: Cats don't have many facial expressions, but I swear mine seems extremely relieved.
September 1Talk of the Town: Your load of furniture would have arrived fine, Mrs. Harris, but I jumped when the lane departure alarm went off and . . .
Talk of the Town: Lots of camping equipment, but does Sierra have anything for removing mushrooms in tight places?
Talk of the Town: I could wear my current wife's culottes, but fuchsia doesn't work with my skin tones.
Moving a giant transformer across the Twin Cities? Psych! We're not doing it!
Talk of the town: Publicly speaking, a job in the public wouldn't be bad as long as I could avoid publicity and public humiliation. I'll talk to my publicist.